Debbie Moser, one of our members and good friend passed away Thursday morning April 1 after a long hard battle with stomach cancer.
A lot of you met Debbie either on one of her many ski trips or summer trips. She helped Lynn with a lot of the activities for several years. Debbie was always willing to help with anything with a beautiful smile on her face. She will really be missed by all that loved her.
There is not going to be a funeral, only a small gathering of family and close friends to celebrate her life.
Below is a message from her children.
With great sorrow, we announce the passing of Debbie Moser. Debbie fought a tough battle with stomach cancer over the last year, and passed away in her home early Thursday morning on April 1st, 2021. Debbie felt very blessed to spend her last year and weeks with her children, enjoying her beautiful garden, and cuddling with her furry friends - her favorite things in her life.
Debbie’s friendships with everyone in the ski club was a very special part of her life. We know that she will be greatly missed by many, and we have so appreciated the support, love, and kindness you all have shown our family throughout this last year.
One of Debbie’s lifelong loves was animals - all of her pets and grand-pets have brought her so much joy all throughout her life, and her compassion for animals was one of the many things you could love about her. To remember Debbie, please consider making a donation to the Houston SPCA in honor of Debbie.